
Student Loans-What are Subsidized and Unsubsidized Student Loans?

Getting a student loan may sometimes be just as hard as playing the stock market.... 

The William D Ford Direct Student Loan Program

The direct student loan program started around fifteen years ago and was designed... 

The Federal Family Education Loan Program

The Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) is a governmental private lender... 

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Home Finance

Mortgage Modification vs. Refinancing: Which Should You Choose?

If you’re one of the millions of troubled homeowners suffering from increased... 

Foreclosure Processes and Remedies

Worrying about where your next mortgage payment is coming from can be extremely stressful... 

Forbearance Agreements Can Stop Real Estate Foreclosure

Losing a job or suffering from a major illness or injury can greatly reduce your... 

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Personal Finance

Rake In the Cash With A Garage Sale

Everyone love a sale. It is not just the bargain prices of a garage sale, but the... 

Progress In Life And Make Your Hobby Your New Job

It is easy to settle with what you have. Maybe you are stuck in a nine to five job... 

Upgrade Your Income With A Second Job

With the cost of living in general going skywards, most people are feeling the pinch.... 

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Business Insurance–The Different Policy Types Your Business Deserves

Business insurance is a broad concept that can be subdivided into 9 types of policies.... 

Home Insurance–A Necessity to Safety

So you finally decided to get a new house for your family. The neighborhood is perfect... 

Renters Insurance–Keeping your Apartment Protected

So, you’ve been living in an apartment. Renting an appartment could prove to be... 

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Value and Prices in Options Trading–Part II

If you have read Part I of this series, you will remember the example of a stock... 

Value and Prices in Options Trading–Part I

Perhaps the biggest difference between trading stocks and options is the fact that... 

Using ‘The Greeks’ in Options Trading–Part II

If you read Part I, you are slightly familiar with using the Greeks as indicators... 

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Real Estate Investing

What to Know When Buying Real Estate for the First Time

If you’re looking at buying a property for a residence or investment and have... 

Using the Internet to Buy and Sell Real Estate

In recent years, the vastness of the growing Internet businesses has come to affect... 

Things You Should Know Before Investing In Foreclosures

If you’ve never invested in a foreclosure home before, the advertised listings... 

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Save Money

Tips to Save Money on Gifts

Now is as great a time as ever to reign in your expenses and save money to pay off debt or simply build up your emergency savings account. However, holidays, birthdays and life events will still happen during tough economic times, and it’s essential to learn how to save money on the many gifts you find yourself shopping for this year. Preparing... [Read more of this review]

Saving Money on Your Monthly Electric Bill

Monthly expenses compose the largest part of our budgets, especially those for utility services. We can always count on these bills arriving very timely every month, and having to pay them within a few days or weeks to avoid paying late fees. Your electric bill can easily be lowered enough to save you 20 to 30 percent on your monthly and annual fees... [Read more of this review]

Money Saving Ideas for Your TV, Phone and Internet Bills

Monthly expenses are the total or excess of our budget, and one of the easiest and painless ways to save money is finding ways to lower your monthly bills you know you’ll receive. In order to save money quickly in an emergency situation, you may need to eliminate your entertainment services and read a book or two temporarily. However, you should... [Read more of this review]

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