Home Loan Refinance Answers Your Mortgage Woes

March 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Home Loan Refinance

Home loan refinancing is whereby you pay off an original home loan mortgage by applying for a secured home loan against the very same asset. This is beneficial to you especially when your original home loan is tied to a fixed interest mortgage loan rate which is not favourable and you want to avail of a more favorable rate with a new refinanced home loan.

Mortgage payments are very likely to get the biggest cut in your already constricted monthly budget. This makes it impossible for you to have extra access to cash and at the same time have a lower mortgage loan payment per month. Home loan refinancing makes this happen. Like most people, your house is probably your largest asset ever.

Home loan refinancing has an added advantage of adjusting your mortgage and interest terms. For instance, a mortgage whose interest you are supposed to pay for 30 years can be shortened to a term of only 10-20 years. This means thousands of dollars in savings for you. What’s more, a lower home loan refinance interest rate means being able to accumulate equity in your home at a faster rate, because with lower interest payments, a greater portion of your payment will go back to the principal by maintaining the same monthly payment.

There are two types of mortgage rates, namely adjustable rate and fixed rate.

Adjustable refinance mortgage rates are very helpful in times when interest rates are at low levels. However, adjustable rates are not as helpful when these interest rates increase. Usually, adjustable rates are preferred by people whose financial standing is not secure or those who are uncertain on whether or not they will stay long in the very same home.

On the other hand, people who are more financially stable or are certain of staying in the same home for a couple of years find it beneficial to change a fluctuating adjustable rate to a fixed one. With this scheme, you’ll feel more secure with a steady monthly payment, regardless of what the market environment may be.

On the other hand, a fixed-rate refinancing home loan keeps your payments stable, gives you a chance to lower your high interest rate, allows you to take advantage of your home’s equity and consolidates your debt. However, the big challenge lies on knowing when the right time is to avail of a refinance home loan.

All you need to do is to compare your present loan to existing loan options with their corresponding interest rates and figure whether home loan refinancing is a wise move or not. Nowadays, lenders offer a wide array of home loans – you just have to decide what is the best option for you.